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  • How do I sign up?
    Please select the "Sign Up Now" button on the Home Page. Select the "Register Now" button on the Register Now page. Input the ticket quantity and select the "Checkout" button. Complete the Registration Form and you will receive a confirmation email shortly with details and a ticket. Please send in the ticket with payment if able.
  • How do I pay?
    Pay Cash or Make Check Payable to: Danville Booster Club Mail Payment to: Michael Soukup P.O. Box 272 Middletown, IA 52638
  • What is your refund policy?
    Please email camp directors directly if further concern: or
  • What do campers need to bring?
    Campers will need to bring basketball shoes and a water bottle if camper prefers his/her own. Water and basketballs will be provided.
  • What benefits do campers receive?
    Campers will receive high quality instruction from a credible coaching staff, awards for performance and improvement, and a fun, competitive environment to learn and improve in the game of basketball.
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